Thursday, June 23, 2005

Moving beyond the PLAGUE

So I've had what my fiancee is calling the PLAGUE for the last two weeks. The nurse practitioners at school suspect that I might have whooping cough. All I know is that last week I felt like the walking dead, and this week I'm improving, but I'm not 100% quite yet. Erik and I are beginning our move over the weekend. I'm not supposed to help because of my illness, and I feel pretty crappy about not being able to help. We take possession of the apartment on Sat. So Erik and I will start moving over some of the misc. Stuff that the movers won't move at that time. We'll also be going on a bit of a shopping spree. We need to get some new things to replace the old things that are unfit to be moved. :P

Monday the movers are scheduled to come and move all the rest of our stuff to the new apartment. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I'm looking forward to the new apartment, but the actual moving part really sucks...

To matters yet more stressful and interesting, I'm leaving for a 3 week visit home on Wednesday. I'm half looking forward to the visit half not looking forward to it. The family politics can be really oppressive and I'm not physically or emotionally in a place to cope with it very well. I'm hoping to escape the trip with only minor emotional bruising, but one never knows what lies behind the next corner. Hopefully my worrying is completely un founded and the trip will go well, if not I'll cherish the good bits and try to forget about the bad bits.

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