Saturday, November 15, 2014

Frantic Flailing in the Frigid Wastelands....

So the snow-pocalypse  is starting... The flurries have begun and I'm taking a little time to reflect on the past few weeks...

I've been preparing for an upcoming craft show... My first craft show where I won't be a small addition to The Costume Wrangler's Closet...  Ellie, Barb and Erik have been encouraging me to branch out on my own for a while now (actually for years) but I've been hesitant.  It is a scary prospect to share one's craft with the world... On the one hand people may love your work and shower you with compliments (and hopefully money)... On the other hand there is the possibility that no one will even look at your work or worse still they will look and hate it... Ellie keeps reminding me that you never know what's in the mind of a customer.  You have to learn to take the good with the bad...  So far I've mostly gotten positive responses but for some reason even with the positive feedback I'm still apprehensive and nervous.

I have no problem talking up Ellie's work, I gush about her store and her wondrous creations all the time but I have a very difficult time doing the same for my own pieces.  I fear any negative reactions and rejections... I'm not quite sure how to push past the anxiety, though I suppose that I'm working through it somehow as I have agreed to do this upcoming show and I plan to do another in December... I guess it's just a matter of pushing through and trying very hard not to be crushed if things don't turn out exactly as I've planned...

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